Project Management, dispelling myths

Desmontando_mitos_IIProject Management used to live –and to fight- with several myths that for long time caused adoption reticence by organizations and professionals from some business and industries. It is a similar case as legends about sharks. We bring today some good articles that help to take these theories into piece.

One of these myths consists of supposing Project Management is a premise of IT Departments. But it really matters to business. According This article from Project Circle , Project Management in its simplest form is managing tasks. And it works for every organization looking for some objectives. So they need prioritizing them, minimizing costs, organizing resources and avoiding unexpected delays. In addition “getting things done often requires teamwork, sometimes cross-functional input and very often third-party intervention”. And they need visibility of the tasks and their components, priorities, durations, progress and end dates.

In the beginning, Project Management idea was incorporated into construction and civil engineering, but it became a major discipline in the corporate world. Now forms the backbone of every working environment such us learning institutions, hospitals, local authorities, police departments, etc. And it “has emerged as a crucial factor that determines the success of any organization”.

By other hand, Professors Aaron Shenar and Dov Dvir reject other myths on his book Reinventing Project Management, as follows:

First, the projects are successful when they meet with time, budget and scope expectative. According authors, success depends on results, and it has to include efficiency, customer and team satisfaction, business and organization success and potential growth.

Second, a good planning gets good projects; because generally it is not possible put everything in advance, so it is necessary to check all planning levels.

Third, the projects can be managed with a whole perspective. What they propose is focusing on four dimensions: novelty, technology, complexity and rhythm.

And fourth, Project Management does his work while others area in charge of business objectives. According authors, Project Managers has also to focus on these business objectives.

Well, there are much more myths and legends that we will dispel here. For example, one of those that MySaaSPlace just came to knock down is the old idea about Internet and web applications reliability and functionality for Project Management and, further, for business environments.

So we’ll continue dismantling sharks

About MySaasPlace

MySaaSPlace es la primera solución integrada de gestión de proyectos y facturación en la nube, sencilla y económica, para potenciar la productividad en los negocios.

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